This is my second tool for Maya. It works in Maya 2015 and 2017.
It applys random transformations to the selected objects.
Short video showing it in action.
How to install:
1. Extract to User/Documents/maya/MAYAVERSION/scripts/
How to use:
1. Drag and Drop the RIR_Start.mel file into your open maya scene or copy and paste the code into a shelf button.
2. Select the objects you want to transform randomly.
3. Change some settings, save them as preset if you want to or choose a preset.
4. Hit the Apply Transfom button.
5. As long as you don't change the selection you can undo the transforms with the Reset Transform button.
1. Holding ALT while clicking Apply Transform uses the alternative action. Resetting the last transfrom, generating a new random seed and applying new transforms.
2. Scale is additive for now.
3. Transformations done with this tool are not undoable with Ctrl+Z you need to use the button.
1. Integrate into maya undo so that it works with Ctrl+Z
2. Rework interface and add a few more handy options.
3. Create a help-popup.